Starcraft II Gamers

Here at Gaming PC, we’re proud to support e-sports and want to give back to the community. Please use the comment box to provide suggestions for any players, tournaments and events that you feel might be appropriate for Canadians!

Right to the point: We love /r/Starcraft and figured the best way to support it (along with getting additional exposure for our high-end gaming computers) would be to sponsor a player and/or tournament.

We aren’t a huge company, but we know that without gamers like you, we wouldn’t exist. So this is our way of giving back.

We prefer a player because we feel it’s more personal (instead of just having a banner at a tourney or something) and since we’re a Canadian gaming company we thought it would be appropriate to sponsor a Canadian.

We though, of all places, /r/starcraft would be the place that would know who could use it the most. After all, this is the place that helped sponsor MKP and Crank.

Let’s do it!

We believe that if we can bring both manufacturers and gamers closer together, it will be a win-win situation for everyone.

Leave a comment down below and let us know what you think!

2 thoughts on “Starcraft II Gamers

  1. I love what you guys are doing and I love that you’re going to Reddit to find the one player you want to sponsor.

    Keep up the work and I’m glad a small company like yours wants to enter the scene.

    As a Canadian myself I’ll definitely be looking at your products now. <3

  2. Sick way to get exposure while helping out the sc2 scene, hopefully you can hook up a promising canadian sc2 player with a sick system so they can stream with your logo and show other companies how valuable sponsorships like this can be.

    The streaming comment is under the assumption they can overcome our horrible canadian upload caps T_T

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