New High End Updates

We just updated the Destroyer PC and the Battlecruiser PC series this week.

The Destroyer now features the 4 GB version of the GTX 680 (previously only an option) and the newest Asus Maximum motherboard, version V. The newer version features more stability, more features and is an excellent choice for any computer.

The Battlecruiser water cooled system now features the 7970 OC videocard with 3 GB of ram and a revised price.

As always, all our systems are fully customizable. Chat with us for more information or see what other happy customers have to say.

A Look At Our Warrior Gaming Computer

We just finished putting the final touches on one of our most popular systems, the Warrior gaming computer and it’s ready to be shipped to one our customers in beautiful British Columbia. What a beauty!

The reason we like the Warrior so much is the fact that it combines extremely high CPU speeds with an amazing video card while still keeping the cost to a minimum. Using our custom water cooling system, we were able to get this machine running at a cool 4.5Ghz with idle temperatures of 36 degrees. Under full load it barely cracks the 60 degree mark.


Looking Back!

Here at Gaming PC, we have been building watercooled systems for over a decade (or very close!). As we take a look back down memory lane, we see how far we’ve come!

Here is one of the systems we built back in 2007 using a Thermaltake Armor system. It’s still running strong!